MIDORI Reference 2


MIDORI2 is a reference database of DNA and amino acid sequences used for taxonomic assignments of Eukaryota mitochondrial DNA sequences. Currently, the databases are available for download in seven formats: RDP,  MOTHUR, QIIME, SPINGO, SINTAX, DADA2, and BLAST+.

New databases based on GenBank release 257 (as of August 2023) are available now  



Note: Since version GB237, MIDORI 2 includes not only Metazoan but also all Eukaryota sequences. 

Since version GB242, MIDORI 2 provides two types of databases, 1) with and 2) without binomial species description, such as "cf.," "aff.," and "sp." 

Since version GB243, we also provide amino acid sequence databases.  

Leray et al. (2022)